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Tambalka—The Sandbar—Blaze and Kelly—and a Grocery Store?

My View :) The month of August was quite busy for me.  In my world, this is called, “Band and Orchestra season,” which simply defined means that we are gearing up for all the new and skilled students planning to play an instrument in school.  The whole store is buzzing with excitement—picture black Friday at Christmas—the difference is,  it doesn’t end the next day.  I happen to love this time of year…but it became even more frenzied for me!  In the middle of all this, I flew to New York for some extra training from Steinway…it’s a rough life, but someone has to do it. :) When I say "I get it," I really do...we all work hard, and this work provides for our families and hopefully moments of escape from time to time—this brings me to why I love Boise, Idaho and my sole purpose for this newsletter...   

The Fabulous Chancellors—Boise Spectrum—A Perfect Night

Welcome to the next edition of The Melody Post .  As I mentioned in my last newsletter, there were some excellent local artists with several concerts scheduled for the month of July.  I hope you were able to attend a few.  I personally decided I would pop into the outdoor concert performed by The Fabulous Chancellors that was held at the Edwards Boise Stadium 21 .  I had not been to this venue for a concert before and let me tell you… it was a blast!   The first thing I noticed when I arrived was the rockin’ music of The Fabulous Chancellors spilling throughout the Boise Spectrum outdoor courtyard.   Walking down the sidewalk, there was a genuine vacation vibe in the air.  I passed smiling parents with excited children heading to their favorite movie, groups of teenagers milling about (just happy to be out of the house), and a multitude of individuals eating and enjoying the many restaurant patio areas.  As I...