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Infectious Optimism—Leadership—and Musical Innovation!

Let me start by asking: “How are you?? How are you holding up during the pandemic?!?” This has been an extremely crazy and challenging time for the world and I am sure many are suffering from loneliness, boredom, and stress. I know that I felt a bit nervous after the stay-at-home order was announced and everything began to change. I wondered if I would still have a job, I was concerned about my youngest daughter’s education, I worried about my grown children, their jobs and families, my heart ached for my daughter who is in the Navy aboard the USS Harry Truman, unable to come to shore-- and the list goes on and on and on... I do have faith that we will look back in awe of this situation, and we will pull from it lessons that will last a lifetime. As many of you know, I have been finishing my degree and wrapping up a leadership certificate. I recently had to write a paper about how my leadership journey was going--you know the type--a reflective paper to make sure yo...
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Hello Roaring 20's--Here's to Health, Happiness and Lots and LOTS of Peace!!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” --   and I hope everyone has enjoyed all the Holiday festivities and you are looking forward to a fantastic 2020!